Photos: Giro d'Italia, Tuscany, Bermeo...
A mix of photos from the last past few months.
Me on San Juan
Me--taken yesterday after training
Me on the top of Passo del Muraglione (907m) on stage 9 of the Giro
Giro group with Paola Pezzo pulling at the front
Jo & Josué: my Giro staff
Giro staff w/Ron
Birthday dinner at Roberto's: pre-blowup
The blowup
Small car? Big guy? Or both?
Scott from Tuscany group
As you post in english i will do my comment in english. The photo of the fire is really fantastic!!!!
Hola Kepa!
Bingenek oparatu deuest argazki hori kuadru baten. Super ona da.
Looking for information about you in Internet, I have seen that you are from the USA. I wonder what are you doing living in Bermeo and speaking in Basque language???!!! It sounds so exotic!!! (I am sure that iy must be a romantic story)
Ondo izan
Hola Kepa,
I only just realized that you are not my UNCLE! Jeje I just happen to have an uncle in Bilbo named Kepa.
Welcome to my blog!
My father was born and raised here, so I came to EH in 1999 to learn Basque (in Leioa) and have stayed since. Romanic story.... well yes, there was love involved!
;) Nik
Barkaidazu, ez nuen kuxkuxeroa izan nahi, kuriozitatea baino ez zen.
Nik ere ikasi nuen Euskara Leioan, duela hamar urte edo, Leioako Udal Euskaltegian.
Zure abenturak jarraituko ditut, asko gustatzen zaizkit, argazkiak batez ere.
Ondo izan
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